The Black Mold Myth
The black mold myth is out there. It is true that there are certain strains that seem to be more toxic than others, but of the more than 100,000 species of mold (experts are still not entirely sure exactly how many strains there are) only about 50 – 60 of them have been found to be hazardous to human health. However, the rest still effect people’s health, especially people who have sensitivity to mold (which is most of the population) or people who have suppressed immune systems.
Our bodies can handle a number of problems but there unfortunately cannot remain healthy in an environment made toxic by mold and this is why having an expert assess your problem is vitally important. The CDC states that “black mold” is commonly found in homes.
“Black mold”, stachybotrys chartarum, is a tertiary mold and is very slow to develop. It will usually grows after other mold has already grown, and will actually feed off the previous mold colonies.
Since stachybotrys’ spores are heavier than most other molds, it is reluctant to become airborne. Since it is heavier, it’s difficult to detect with the settling plate’s big-box stores sell. Most won’t even grow stachybotrys at all because their culture medium is wrong.
There is “technically” no such thing as “black mold.” However there are mold that can cause you harm after you have been exposed to the mold for a length of time. As well, there is no such thing as good mold, or even tolerable mold because all indoor mold signifies a moisture problem within the home. A qualified technician must look at the potential problem to assess if there is a danger to you and your home and if they can detect mold.
Our technicians are experts at debunking the black mold myth and assessing your potential mold and moisture problems. Please contact us today to schedule your assessment today!
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